Oral Cancer Screening
ViziLite is an advanced oral screening tool used to identify abnormal cells along the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. The test takes approximately 2 minutes to administer. During which time a dentist will administer a special rinse to the mouth that causes the nuclei of abnormal pre-cancerous or cancerous cells to appear to […]
Intra-Oral Camera
Dental imaging is a foundation of oral health diagnostics. Intra-oral cameras play a key role in office imaging, with many dentists using intra-oral cameras to detect the tiniest grooves, pits, cracks, and carries. Using a chairside unit and hand-held photographic wand, dentists can acquire images of the teeth from angles not previously available. These images […]
Air Purification
We have installed state-of-the art Air Purification and Sanitation technology in our HVAC system that eliminates contaminants from the air and increases the percentage of fresh oxygens. This technology is safe and nature-based. This is the same technology used by NASA on manned space flights to keep the air safe and purified.
Laser Dentistry
For nearly two decades, lasers have been used for restorative and cosmetic purposes in dentistry. Today, lasers are approved for safety by the Food and Drug Administration, and they have become much more prevalent and standard in dental offices across the country. Lasers work by delivering energy in the form of light. This energy can […]
Digital X-Rays
Digital X-rays are a more streamlined way of taking dental radiographs. Like traditional x-rays, digital versions provide an in-depth view of the structures of the mouth’s structures, helping dentists detect complications and develop effective modes of treatment. Digital X-rays are capable of revealing hidden caries, bone erosion, and even tooth decay hiding beneath restorations. Examining […]
Dental Technology
Medical technology has been advancing at a breakneck pace for the past several decades, and dentistry hasn’t been left behind. Dental professionals are constantly looking for the newest forms of treatments and technology that will aid in providing their patients with the best possible care, and we’re going to introduce you to some of the […]